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Nationwide courier services

    Sales are nothing without trust - and a reliable delivery partner

    In a recent article in Real Business, emphasis is placed on the importance of trust between a sales person and their customer. For a sale to succeed, relationships must be built with not one, but often a number of stakeholders within an organisation. Successful sales people understand that rather than approach a sale as a supplier-customer transaction, it is far better to view each customer relationship as a partnership, where you are in fact both on the same side.

    We couldn't agree more, which is why we look upon our services as a provider of dedicated same day deliveries as an extension of yours. We work in partnership with you to deliver on your promises. So, whether you are providing a bag of widgets to a factory or an entire poster campaign to a retail chain across the...

    Don't employ your own driver until you've read this

    If you're thinking of employing your own driver you must have a need for a regular, reliable deliver resource in your firm. But is committing to a full time employee the best option?

    Add together the cost of recruitment, salary and holiday cover plus buying the vehicle, keeping it on the road and the insurance, and it does in fact soon mount up.

    And what do you do when the van is in for a service? Or even worse, involved in a bump and it’s off the road for a while – you still have to pay for your driver, and maybe the cost of a hire vehicle on top.

    But you’ll have your own van on the road – with your livery, advertising your company wherever it goes. And you’ll be in control of your own deadlines. So, what’s not...

    Specialist courier contracts

    Not all parcels are neat, small brown boxes. Irregular consignments are our speciality – stone statues, flowers, medical supplies and even giant inflatable rugby balls have passed through our hands and been delivered safe and sound at their destinations.

    We’ve also been trained in delivering mobility scooters and setting them up for new users.

    Trust goes a long way when choosing a courier, which is why we pride ourselves in offering the personal touch in all the deliveries we make.

    Should you have regular runs that simply must be in safe hands, then please talk to us and ask about our credentials. We work overnight too, so if you’d prefer or need your consignments to be moved after dark, we’d be happy to do so.


      24 Oct 2018 Team CD Bristol Courier Sameday courier