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What cost insurance fraud?

It's great to see the Government tackling insurance fraud at last.

They’ve put a cap on the fees that medical professionals can charge for an initial whiplash report. Current prices can be anything up to £700 per report, giving doctors a nice little sum for their trouble.

From October onwards, they’ll be limited to just £180 per report, which may well help them think harder before encouraging crash victims to seek compensation.

And that’s good news. Because right now, all our insurance bills are inflated by an average £90 per year to pay for insurance fraud in the motor industry.

And the ‘no win no fee’ deals aren’t so attractive for lawyers either. They’ll no longer be able to double their fees if they win, reducing the cost to defendants and their insurers.

According to the Insurance Fraud Bureau, the cost of fraudulent organised motor insurance claims alone is £392m per year. Anything that gets this figure down has to be a good thing.

So, if you know of anyone, who’s flouting the law and costing us all money just call 0800 422 0421 to speak to the Insurance Fraud Bureau – they’ll be very interested!

Uninsured drivers

Research conducted in the UK in July 2014, revealed 1 in every 36 drivers is uninsured. Add to that the number without tax or an MOT, and it’s plain to see the current deterrents aren’t working.

We’ve had numerous incidents here at Courier Direct where we’ve had to foot the bill for damage to our vehicles by uninsured drivers. And we know we’re not alone.

In fact there is an e-petition right now to urge the Government to increase fines for illegal drivers.

You can sign it here if you agree.

Meanwhile, we’re pleased to report we’re not adding to the statistics here at Courier Direct. Our vehicles are all fully insured, MOT’d and taxed and thanks to our careful drivers, our accident rate is exemplary so you know your consignments are in good hands with us.

8th August 2014 Team CD Courier Vehicles Transport