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Nationwide Same Day Courier Service
Nationwide Same Day Courier Service
Courier Direct | Shift Courier
London : 0208 629 3001
Bristol :    0117 952 1111

Call to book your courier

Active Clients
Engaged Courier Drivers
Happy Clients
YTD Bookings Completed

Logistics Pickup Service

Ever been let down at the last minute as a transport company or retailer because a drivers called in sick or there’s simply no driver coverage due to annual leave or maybe a simple mistake in consignment forecast volume has occurred and you just need to get the consignments out and on there way.

Give us a call and we’ll get it covered for you and maybe this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

Enquiries for this service are welcome during office hours.

Call us on 0117 952 1111 and we’ll be there for you.

Expect and get more from your courier, with Courier Direct / Shift Courier


Courier Van

Courier Vehicles

Size Matters
Make sure you request the correct van size.

Small Van

Payload between 500 - 900kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 0


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Short Wheel Base

Payload between 900 - 1,200kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 2


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Medium Van

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 2


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Large Van

Payload between 1,200 - 2,000kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 3


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Need something bigger ?

Extra Long Wheel Base


Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 4


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Luton Van

Box Van

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 4


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7.5 Tonne

Tail Lift or Curtain Sider

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 10


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18 Tonne

Tail Lift or Curtain Sider

Payload between 1,000 - 1,400kg
Euro Pallet Capacity Approx : 16


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